Sunday, July 21st - Saturday, July 27, 2024

-Health Forms
-All youth must have their Scouts BSA Annual Health and Medical Record forms A, B and C completed and ready for inspection upon arrival at camp. Form C requires completion by your family physician/pediatrician. .
-EBSR requires a swim test to determine the capabilities of all campers. Expert swimming is not required but skills are assessed to ensure everyone's safety in and near the water. While the tests are conducted on day 1 of camp, Troop 66 has arranged two times to assess skills at the River Forest Tennis Club on Saturday, 6/29 @ noon or Wednesday, 7/3 at 11am.
-Camp Schedule
- There are loads of opportunities for Scouts at EBSR, so many that it can be overwhelming to choose how to spend one's time. The Sunday night Midway showcases opportunities for the week ahead. We also advise thumbing through the Leader Guide in advance at home, using the included schedule (page 10) to outline 3-4 goals for the week. 1st year campers are recommended to follow the First Year Campers @ The Swamp outline on page 19, which allows for free time as well.
- It's best for scouts to store their personal items in a waterproof foot locker (a simple, clear plastic storage container with tight top (think holiday decorations stored in your basement)).
-Our Troop 66 trailer will be onsite and ready for packing all gear, which should include each Scout's foot locker, sleeping bag and matt. Additional gear can be stashed in any other car that will be making the trip. Review this webpage for thoughtful packing advice and its thorough PDF packing list (attached). Additional recommendations include a water bottle, which is often forgotten, as well as a non-aerosol mosquito spray. The only electronics a Scout needs at camp is a watch and camera. See note on phones below.
-Class A uniforms are required at arrival at camp and during meals. These and many other camping items can be purchased from our nearest Scout Shop in LaGrange (tax free).
-Sawyer Permethrin Fabric Treatment- recommended spray applied to all clothes and tents several days prior to camping. Also sold at the Scout Shop.

Adult Leader Volunteers
-This is a great opportunity to share an incredible experience with your Scout that will be a summer highlight. While I'll be at camp for the entire stay, Scouts BSA policy requires at least two registered adult leaders present at all events (though more are always welcome). Our Troop covers the adult fee for your stay of any length. Meals are included but you must provide your own tent, sleeping bag, etc.
-All adults require a printed certificate of completion of the Scouts BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT). This online portal offers several videos requiring about 70 minutes of your time to complete. Certification is valid for 24 months.
-Adults also must have their own completed health forms (attached). Forms A and B are necessary for all. Form C requires physician signoff and is only necessary for stays of more than 72 hours.
-Use this Signup Genius form to enter your name for any nights of our stay.

Transportation & Logistics
Sunday, July 21st 7:30am
-All Scouts, adult volunteers and drivers meet at the Grace Lutheran Church parking for our 3.5 hour caravan-style drive to Mauston. Scouts should come dressed in their Class A uniform, which will be worn during all meal service at camp. A T-shirt underneath is a good idea for easy changing.
Health Forms and Medications
-Please bring completed forms ABC (attached) and Scout medications with you when we meet the morning of July 21st. These are necessary when we check in at camp. Forms can also be dropped off anytime at our home address, 1430 N. Harlem Avenue Unit E in River Forest. I'll maintain medications in a locked box for the duration of camp, to be distributed as indicated. Adult campers will also need a printed copy of their Youth Protection Certificate and health forms A and B (C if staying more than 72 hours at camp).
Human Cargo
Please signup here if you're willing to make the drive to or from Mauston and how many Scouts your vehicle can fit. I can fit 7 Scouts in our SUV and will be making the round trip.
-Bring cash for lunch at the Culvers in Mauston (exit 69 on I-90). We also recommend $20 cash for your Scout to use at the camp Trading Post for snacks n' such during the week

At Camp
Check in @ 12:15pm
-Each Scout will be asked several health screening questions. If your Scout is ill, please do not send them to camp. Refunds are issued in this event.
Swim Test
-Conducted before setting up camp. This will not be necessary if your Scout attends one of our swim tests scheduled at the River Forest Tennis Club pool (see above).
-Three daily meals are included in your camp fee. If you haven't already, please reply to this email with any dietary or allergy restrictions.
-It's strongly recommended that each Scout review the EBSR Leader Guide to plan a rough outline of how they'll fill their three program time blocks each day. The daily camp schedule on page 10 includes a personal itinerary for each Scout to fill in. The Sunday Midway will highlight the week's offerings but we've found it's also a great idea that each Scout comes with a general plan to focus on their primary interest and/or merit badges. Scouts attending this summer's Northern Tier High Adventure Base should prepare by earning their canoeing merit badge at the
Boat Beach
-The 1st Year Camper program is held at The Swamp and is highly recommended for each new Scout. The program fills in most of each Scout's schedule while allowing for free time to pick and choose from other camp offerings.
-The ATV and Jet Ski programs require additional fees, forms and advanced registration indicated on page 3 of the EBSR Leader Guide.
Buddy System & Tentmates
-EBSR operates on a buddy system. No Scout should be away from our campsite without their buddy. Each tent accommodates two Scouts. Scouts may choose their own tentmate/buddy. Scouts BSA policy requires that adults and youth sleep in separate tents and youth sharing tents cannot be more than two years apart in age.
Adult Volunteers
-There's a great opportunity while the Scouts are at their daily programs to kick back at our campsite in a hammock with a book. These have been some of the best hours of my recent summers. There are also plenty of opportunities to volunteer anywhere around camp to assist any activity that you may be interested in, specifically aquatics, eco-con, scoutcraft and the climbing wall. Adults with craftsman abilities are also welcome to help with this season's building projects that include firewood storage units for each campsite and camp benches. There's also a regular need for electrical, plumbing and hvac talents for projects that a well-loved camp like Ed Bryant are sure to have.
-Use this signup to indicate which night's you're available to camp. All parents are welcome and encouraged to help assure that we'll have the required two-adult minimum at camp at all times.
We feel strongly that smartphones are antithetical to the Scouting experience, particularly at summer camp. Scouts BSA encourages social, communal activities. We highly recommended that your Scout unplug and leave their phone at home to avoid its glowing allure. Emergency calls are always available to make using either a camp landline or the Scoutmaster's phone, charged and ready at all times.
Confirmed with Brian that the meetup time is 8:15am on Sunday, not 7:30am.